
We never leave you without an answer or solution, we clear up your uncertainties

Taking biodiversity into account in human activities isn’t just a regulatory or administrative formality. We work every day to make it easier to include biodiversity and make it one of the drivers of your economic activity. That’s what our consulting offer is all about.

Lézard vivipare, Serris, par Renaud Garbé, Biotope.

How does biodiversity fit in your “business” decision-making ?

  • Anticipating environmental damage risks and developing your environmental responsibility ;
  • Finding the best environmental compromise for your project ;
  • Setting your sustainable development objectives, improving your CSR through your “biodiversity” indicators ;
  • Accounting for your natural capital and investing in natural assets, green infrastructure and the “blue” economy ;
  • Assessing services and payments for ecosystem services ;
  • Optimising the cost of your ecological compensation measures ;
  • Enhancing your image and your biodiversity action ;
  • Managing and exploiting your biodiversity data.