Training in ecosystem services assessment

Ecosystem services assessment

Fundamentals, methodological principles and operational applications

This training course given by Biotope takes place over a complete day and its objectives are:

  • To understand the conceptual and semantic framework of ES
  • To become aware of the regulatory and scientific context
  • To discover the different spheres of application of ES and to identify the appropriate assessment methods in relation to the desired objectives
  • To design and implement a biophysical and socio-economic assessment study of ES
  • To learn about the biases and the limitations in order to facilitate the interpretation and dissemination of the results obtained.

At the end of the training, you will have mastered the regulations, the broad concepts and the associated methodologies that underpin an ES assessment.  You will also be able to identify the interest of such an approach within the framework of operational studies (impact studies, land-use planning, etc.).

The programme

The training course takes place over a complete day.  The broad outlines of the work will be the presentation of the concepts associated with ES, the regulatory framework and the scientific progress, the presentation of the different spheres of application and the assessment methodologies and finally the biases and limitations.


Target audience:  regional and local authorities, managers and auditors in environment and biodiversity, thematic contact officers in companies, project partners

Prerequisites:  an elementary knowledge of ecology is desirable.

Don’t hesitate to contact us for a customised training course.

VAT 0% + possible aids for finance (DIF, etc.)

Title of the training course

Dates and places

Ecosystem services assessment

Fundamentals, methodological principles and operational applications

14 November 2019 – Paris (75)