The “Fondation Biotope” joins the IUCN


Since its creation in 2014, Biotope’s Foundation for Biodiversity has facilitated the completion of naturalist inventories by many employees in numerous countries worldwide.  It has also contributed to projects such as the drawing-up of the Red Lists in Guyana.  That investment by Biotope and its employees has been recognised by the IUCN, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, which accepted the Fondation Biotope among its new members in 2018.

Biotope contributes to the preparation of the World Conservation Congress

As a member, the Fondation Biotope will contribute to the preparation of the World Conservation Congress which will take place from 11th to 19th June 2020 in Marseille.  Some of Biotope’s employees will contribute to this preparatory work on behalf of the Foundation.

The 2020 World Conservation Congress is the last stage of negotiation before the COP15:  the conference of the signatory countries to the Convention on Biological Diversity planned in Beijing in October 2020.  The IUCN published an article on the preparation, the scope and the content of the post-2020 global biological diversity framework.

Thanks to its presence in China, Biotope will be at the forefront of the congress.

Relations between the IUCN and Biotope

Biotope’s relations with the IUCN don’t end there.  Some employees are members of commissions of specialists, at a global level or with the IUCN’s French Committee. Others are taking part in working groups set up by the IUCN to deal with subjects such as renewable energy and biodiversity, overseas specificities, the application of the mitigation hierarchy (Avoid-Reduce-Compensate impacts) sequence to the agricultural and forestry sectors, etc.

The IUCN is also one of Biotope’s regular clients, particularly for international consulting services (European office, Central Africa programme, etc.).

The Fondation’s membership of the IUCN demonstrates Biotope’s commitment to nature conservation in France and worldwide.

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