Monitoring the marine avifauna wintering in the Brest Roadstead

Within the framework of the development project for the port of Brest for the installation of industries linked to renewable marine energy, which involves dredging works as well as the extension of a polder, the Brittany region has entrusted us since 2013 with studies relating to the marine avifauna in the Brest roadstead.

The expert reports, drawn up in partnership with the Bretagne Vivante association, are based on simultaneous counts, monitoring from the coast and inventories by boat.  They have made it possible successively to extend the marine avifauna section of the project impact study in 2013/2014, update the reference state before works in 2015/2016 and carry out monitoring during works in 2017/2018.  Other monitoring during works and then after works are also envisaged in the years to come.