Assessment of the impact of open-air activities on the Natura 2000 species and habitats

Major constraints to be respected for land use planning in the Alpes-Maritimes

In the context of the projects and planning documents that it envisages completing in natural areas, the Alpes-Maritimes Departmental Council wishes to have information at its disposal that will enable it to ensure that environmental issues are taken into account and to meet the requirements of the regulations governing open-air activities.  The requirements to be respected are also those of the schemes for prevention of wildfires (the “DFCI”) and those related to the Departmental Plan for Walking and Hiking Itineraries (the “PDIPR”).

Indeed, because of its position on the border and on the coast, the Alpes-Maritimes Department is subject to major pressures in terms of land use planning (tourist activities, housing and infrastructure).  The difficulty is containing that development so that it is compatible with the region’s outstanding natural heritage.

The Alpes Maritimes Departmental Council therefore has called on Biotope’s services to assess the impact of the open-air activities in the department – paragliding, canoeing and kayaking, aqua-hiking, climbing, model flying, snow-kiting, motor sports, cycling and potholing, but also scuba-diving –  on the Natura 2000 species and habitats